Tethered Totems: Card of the Week

As you journey through the week, may the wisdom of Tethered Totems Card of the Week, illuminate your path and bring clarity to your journey.

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Unlock the Benefits of Tethered Totems Card of the Week

Tethered Totems can serve as a guiding beacon, offering insights, reflections, and lessons to navigate daily challenges and opportunities.

Focus and Intention Setting:

It allows you to set a specific focus or intention for the upcoming days. Whether it’s seeking clarity, cultivating patience, or embracing change, the Tethered Totem sets the tone and direction for you.

Daily Reflections:

Throughout the week, take time to contemplate the symbolism, imagery, and messages. Reflect on how its themes resonate with your current experiences, emotions, and circumstances. Journaling or meditation can deepen your understanding and connection with the energy.

Practical Application:

Apply the teachings to real-life situations and challenges you encounter. Consider how you can embody its qualities, leverage its strengths, or navigate its potential pitfalls in your personal and professional life.

Weekly Tarot Card Meanings:

Utilize the Tethered Totems as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Tarot meanings. Each one offers a wealth of interpretations and associations, and exploring a new major arcana weekly helps expand your Tarot vocabulary and intuition.

Learning and Growth:

Engaging each week fosters continuous learning and personal growth. As you integrate its teachings and insights into your daily life, you develop greater self-awareness, resilience, and wisdom, enhancing your Tarot practice and life journey.

Now that you know the benefits go unveil the newest totem!

This Week’s Tethered Totem

Tethered Totems Card of the Week: The Death Tarot Card

Death Card: Unleash Your Inner Alchemy Welcome to this week’s Tethered Totems Card of the Week, where we embrace the profound essence of the Death card. Don’t forget to explore this week’s collective reading, Tarot Trails, which will also spotlight the transformative energy of the Death card! Embark on a journey through the depths of […]


Catch up on all the Tethered Totems below! More to come so don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can easily check back!

Additionally, check out my TikTok for video messages and all of TeezTarot today by clicking HERE!

Tethered Totems Library

Tethered Totems Library

Tethered Totems Card of the Week: The Death Tarot Card

Death Card: Unleash Your Inner Alchemy Welcome to this week’s Tethered Totems Card of the Week, where we embrace the profound essence of the Death card. Don’t forget to explore this week’s collective reading, Tarot Trails, which will also spotlight the transformative energy of the Death card! Embark on a journey through the depths of […]


Tethered Totems Card of the Week: The Magician Card

Magician: Unleash Your Inner Alchemy Welcome to this week’s Tethered Totems Card of the Week featuring the dynamic and transformative energy of the Magician. Additionally, be sure to check out this weeks collective reading, Tarot Trails featuring the Magician card! In this cosmic exploration, we delve into the realm of unlimited potential and manifestation, guided […]


Tethered Totems: The Sun Card

Embracing Illumination Welcome, fellow seekers, to another enlightening edition of Tethered Totem’s Card of the Week! This week, our journey leads us to the vibrant and life-affirming energy of The Sun. The Sun card, bursting with positivity, vitality, and optimism, invites us to bask in its radiant glow and embrace the endless possibilities that lie […]

tethered totem hanged man card

Tethered Totems: The Hanged Man

The Enigmatic and Intriguing Hanged Man Welcome to another insightful exploration of the Tarot’s mysteries with Tethered Totems! This week, our focus is on the Hanged Man card, one of the most enigmatic and intriguing tarot cards. Symbolism of the Hanged Man At first glance, the imagery of the Hanged Man may appear unsettling or […]


Tethered Totems: The Justice Card

Unleashing The Power Within: The Justice Tarot Card Revealed Welcome to another insightful exploration of the Tarot’s mysteries with Tethered Totems! This week, our focus is on the Justice card, a symbol of balance, fairness, and the consequences of our actions. As we delve into its depths, we uncover profound insights into our lives and […]


Tethered Totems: The Wheel of Fortune Card

Embracing Life’s Cycles: Exploring the Wheel of Fortune Theme of the Week: As we step into this week, the Wheel of Fortune turns, ushering in a period of change and destiny. The theme revolves around the cycles of life, fate, and the interconnectedness of all things. Embrace the ebb and flow of existence with an […]


Tethered Totems: The Hermit Card

Unveiling the Wisdom Within: Exploring the Hermit Card’s Journey of Self-Discovery This week’s Tethered Totem heralds the powerful energy of The Hermit card. Let us unravel the profound messages woven within this captivating archetype. Let’s embark on a journey guided by the introspective and wise Hermit card. In the realm of tarot, the Hermit holds […]


Tethered Totems: The Strength Card

Unleashing Inner Courage will lead to a Triumphant Week This week’s Tethered Totem heralds the powerful energy of The Strength card. Let us unravel the profound messages woven within this captivating archetype. The majestic lion depicted in The Strength card symbolizes the courage that resides within each of us. This week, the cosmos beckons us […]


Tethered Totems: The Chariot

Be Determined to have a Triumphant Week Embark on a journey of triumph as we explore the captivating symbolism and profound wisdom encapsulated in The Chariot card. In the vast tapestry of the Tarot, The Chariot stands as a symbol of determination, willpower, and the victorious navigation of life’s challenges. Chariot Card Reversed The Chariot […]


Tethered Totems: Lovers Card

Have a stress-free big week,filled with joy đź’Ť Love is in the Air with the Lovers Card as the Card of the Week! Hey there, Tarot enthusiasts! Today, let’s dive into the captivating realm of the Lovers card. Imagine a scene where opposites attract, and harmony prevails. The Lovers card isn’t just about romance; it’s […]

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Tethered Totems: The Hierophant

The Hierophant Card: Divine Traditions Unveiled Introduction: Welcome to Tethered Totems! This week the energy of the hierophant will grace our days. The Hierophant is a card of spiritual guidance, tradition, and learning. Its presence suggests the need of possibly seeking wisdom, perhaps from a mentor, engaging in spiritual practices, or exploring traditional teachings. Honoring […]

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Tethered Totems: The Emperor

The Majestic Authority of the Emperor: Navigating Life’s Kingdoms Introduction: Step into the regal realm of the Tarot and witness the commanding presence of the Emperor, a card that sits atop the Tarot hierarchy, exuding authority and wisdom. In this blog post, we embark on a journey into the rich symbolism and profound lessons encapsulated […]


Tethered Totems: Empress Card

The Chromatic Symphony of the Empress: Color Associations in Tarot In the vibrant realm of Tarot, every card is not only a canvas of symbols but also a palette of colors, each hue infusing its unique energy and meaning. As we immerse ourselves in the enchanting world of the Empress card, let’s explore the chromatic […]


Tethered Totems: High Priestess

Whispering Wonders Card of the Week Introduction: High Priestess Unveiled Join me in unraveling the secrets woven into the High Priestess card — a symbol of duality, moonlit magic, and profound feminine power. As we explore the pillars, decipher sacred scrolls, and dance with shadows, we’ll unlock the keys to our own inner wisdom. Ready […]


Tethered Totems: The Fool

This was one of my first ever posts. It has been adopted by the Tethered Totems collection. Find more totems {HERE} In the enigmatic world of Tarot, The Fool Card is about embracing the uncertainties of life. It emerges as an paradox—numbered zero, yet carrying boundless potential; whimsically carefree, yet symbolizing profound wisdom. At first […]

Stay tuned for a new revelation!